Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction: Understanding the Hebrew Alphabet

    • Introduction: Understanding the Hebrew Alphabet
  • 2

    Lesson 1: Connecting to the Heart of God

    • Class 1: Connecting to the Heart of God
  • 3

    Class 2: God's Language of the Heart

    • Class 2: God's Language of the Heart
  • 4

    Class 3: Word Pictures of the Heart

    • Class 3: Word Pictures of the Heart
  • 5

    Class 4: Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight

    • Class 4: Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight
  • 6

    Class 5: The Meaning and Number Value of Hebrew Letters

    • Class 5 The Meaning of Number Value of Words cb lb
  • 7

    Chapter 6: The Heart Language of Jesus

    • Class 6 The Heart Language of Jesus cb
  • 8

    Class 7: The Absolute Context of Scripture

    • Class 7 The Absolute Context of Scripture jbr
  • 9

    Question & Answer 1

    • Questions and Answers 1
    • Questions and Answers jbr cb lb
    • Study Resources
  • 10

    Worshipping in Harmony With God

    • Worshipping in Harmony With God
    • Worshipping in Harmony With God

This Course is included in all access

Not available separately